Go-ride review of the year 2021

With COVID bringing an abrupt stop to our 2020 activities and a late start to our 2021 calendar, we are pleased to look back and think about what an amazing year we have had!

Starting back in March under COVID rules, we had to restructure our sessions into lots of smaller groups. We feel that this worked really well and particularly benefitted some of the younger riders getting their basic skills mastered.

We’ve welcomed lots of new riders and also had lots of regulars returning week after week.

Alongside the weekly Saturday morning sessions of road rides, CX skills and ride outs at Capstone, the summer months saw some of our riders participate in the following activities:

      • Weekly TTs at the Iwade course
      • Circuit racing at Cyclopark & Betteshanger
      • Regular BMX coaching at Cyclopark

Autumn brought about the start of the Cyclocross season, and we’ve had record numbers of riders enter these races in both the London League and the East Kent Cyclocross League with many podiums for our riders.

We were invited to run a Go-Ride session at the Medway Mile event in September and the coaches were completely bowled over by how popular we were. For 3 hours solid, we had queues of kids waiting to have a go. It was hard work, but such fun.

We started Zwift group rides during the first lockdown and these have continued at times when we couldn’t run physical sessions. The Winter Zwift League also added a Go-Ride competition which has been supported by our riders and continues on a weekly basis when the Time Trial season stops during the colder months.

As the year has gone on we have been able to work in larger groups again which has been a fantastic opportunity for the riders to all get to know each other, share their skills and make friends. This has also allowed the coaches to work with all the riders and watch them progress (AMAZING!).

We have also been thrilled to organise for the club riders (and their parents and coaches) introductory sessions to BMX at Cyclopark. It was great to see our Chair, Kevin, join in with one of these sessions.

We were also able to bring back our combined Awards Evening with The Grown Ups for presentations and prizes for riders.

As the year drew to a close and Christmas grew closer, many of our riders took part in the famous, traditional, annual Mince Pie Ride from Rainham to Bredgar cafe and back again. Lots of cake was consumed!

As a club, we are continuing to improve our coaches skills. This year has seen Jon obtain his specialisation in Cyclocross coaching and Paul in Mountain Biking. Dave is currently working to upgrade his Level 1 Coaching Award to a Level 2 Award, which he is hoping to achieve early next year. All these qualifications help us to improve and broaden the range of coaching we can offer.

We have also, just this month, been reassessed for our Clubmark accreditation (which ensures systems are in place to run the club to a good standard), which we are pleased to say we PASSED!

We hope you have a lovely Christmas and we look forward to seeing you all again in 2022.

With all good wishes from your Go-Ride Team: Mike, Paul, Jon, Simon, Dave, Steve, Rowan and Kirsty.

Kirsty Wastall

Annual Awards 2021

Saturday 20th November 2021 saw the return of our annual awards, held in person at the Howard Memorial Hall.

A lot of hard work goes into delivering any club event, so thanks must go first to Helen Masters, Social Secretary for shouldering the burden of the work with support from Michael Finch and Martin Trice.  Thank you.

Following our meal, we presented Tom Odell with his two awards prior to his early departure for a night shift.

Nick Howlett then led a discussion and Q&A from some of our seasoned members who each have a strong interest in different areas, providing a comprehensive view of cycling:

  • Anthony Bee / Short & long distance time trialling;
  • Jamie Harris / Zwift;
  • Keith Walker / Short & long distance time trialling and road racing;
  • Michael Finch / Community Cycleworks; and
  • Richard Master / Bicycle maintenance and technology

Clin Maisey, Club President then presented the main body of our Annual Awards, with of course well earnt flowers and chocolates to Helen Masters first.

The full list and images are below with some notable winners being:

  • Adrienn Rocco, Cyclerama Award for completing her first 100km ride to Sandwich to support members of Wigmore CC racing in the Cyclocross races;
  • Rowan Murphy, Paul Buckley Go-Ride Champion and Junior Zwift Award for being such as strong competitor and entering many areas of cycling as a sport; and
  • Tom Odell, 2nd Evening Scratch League, who riding a road bike gave TT bike riders more than a run for their money in the Evening 10 series.

The traditional raffle followed, with our great friends The Bike Warehouse Gillingham donating 3 great helmets as prizes; thank you!

We hope everyone had a great evening and is looking forward to next years challenges, maybe with a new bike or gadget from Father Christmas, or indeed The Bike Warehouse!

The full list of Go-Ride winners:

Ewan DelaneyMost Committed Rider (male)
Grace DelaneyBest Newcomer
Harry Brown“L’Equipier” Rider of the Year
Riley WastallMost Improved Rider (male)
Summer CassMost Improved Rider (female)
Anna DobbinsMost Skilful Rider (female)
Owen RogersMost Skilful Rider (male)
Rowan MurphyPaul Buckley Go-Ride Champion
Junior Zwift League

The full list of Wigmore competition winners:

Julien Barton2nd Evening Handicap League
2nd Evening Vets League
Stuart WhiteBill Philbrook Memorial Trophy
Steve Harman1st Evening Handicap League
Jamie Harris2nd Evening Club Events League
2nd Anderson Points League
3rd Evening Scratch League
3rd Evening Handicap League
Frankie Finch1st Evening Junior League
Dylan Harman2nd Evening Junior League
Harry Brown3rd Evening Junior League
Cameron Carthew3rd Evening Club Events League
Tom Odell2nd Evening Scratch League
Len Chambers Massed Start Cup
Edmund EverallClub Hill Climb Champion
Zwift Shield
Len Payne Off Road Trophy
Kevin FordTourist Trophy
Adrien RoccoCyclerama Shield
Anthony Bee3rd Anderson Points League
3rd Evening Vets League
Dave Bedford 10 mile Cup
Len Chambers 25 Mile Cup
Charlie Staff Memorial Shield
Presidents Short Distance B.A.R. Champion
Clubman of the Year
Keith Walker1st Evening Club Events League
1st Evening Scratch League
1st Evening Vets League
John Booty Club Events Cup
Anderson Points Cup
R.A. Burns 50 Mile Cup
Fairyland 100 mile Trophy
Senior B.A.R. Champion
Hill Climbing Champion

Photo gallery


Geoff Martin

GEOFFRY MARTIN 1944 – 2021

After many years battle against Parkinson’s, Geoff sadly passed away on Sunday 4th July.

Geoff joined the Wigmore CC in 1960. He suffered with asthma and started cycling to improve his breathing problems, and it certainty worked.

When he started riding with the club, he used an inhaler to help  his breathing, but by the time he was 30 years old he no longer needed the inhaler. One thing he never did was use an inhaler before an event, he classed that as cheating.

Geoff was a keen trike rider and set many club records, in fact he still holds three records. They are the 30 mile trike record of 1h 20m 47s, set in 1969. The same year he set a 50 miles trike record with a time of 2h 17m 13s. In 1977 he was one of the members that set a solo team record for 30 miles with a time of 3h 38m 43s.

He had an attempt at road racing but could not handle the fast start. When asked what happened, his reply would be , “they would not wait for me”!

Geoff was always a willing helper with club events, and when I had to stop driving, Geoff took me to the evening events.

Geoff was married to Angela for 49 years, and our thoughts are with Angela at this sad time.

The funeral is on Thursday 29th July, at Bobbing crematorium, 11 am.

No flowers, but you can make donations to Parkinson’s UK and sent to John Weir funeral directors 127 Watling Street, Gillingham ME7 2YY .


WCC @ Herne Hill Velodrome 2021

On Sunday 4th July, 1-3pm, we’ll be holding our very own track session at the historic Herne Hill Velodrome (nr. Dulwich, London) MAP.

This is open to club members >12yrs old, and more importantly ALL ability levels… whether you’re experienced on the boards, or a complete novice to going round in circles.

So if you’ve never tried riding on the track but have always wanted to, this is the perfect opportunity to give it a go.  Or, if your an grizzled trackie from the distant past, this is your chance to once again dust off that fixed gear track bike.

Our session will be split into two groups… those that are experience in track riding, have ridden the track before, and want to stretch their legs a little; and those that are new to track cycling, are trying it for the first time, or want to take it a little more sedate.

There’ll be a range of different fun exercises to do and try, and if we’re lucky we may even get to have a little gallop race towards the end of the session.

If we get a full compliment of 22 riders, the cost of the 2 hour session is JUST £14* each.  This INCLUDES all equipment hire… bike, shoes, helmet if you need one.    The lower age limit on this session is 12 years old, so some of the older Go-Ride kids may want to join us for the afternoon.  The session starts at 1pm prompt, so get there early to be ready to go.

~ DEADLINE Sun 23rd May / Sun 30th May ~

To register, all you need to do is email me at secretary@wigmorecyclingclub.org.uk with your name, and level of previous track experience.

Registration is open to CLUB MEMBERS for 3 weeks until Sunday 23rd May.  After that, any remaining places will be offered to our friends from local cycling clubs, family members, and other invited guests.  The final deadline for all registrations is Sunday 30th May.

All places are offered on a strictly first come first serve basis.


Wigmore CC is preparing for the restart of organised activities from 29th March in line with the Government’s Covid-19 Roadmap.

Our first activity to start will be our Go-Ride sessions at the Howard School on Saturday 3rd April.

There will be a booking system to ensure we manage numbers and safety in line with guidance applicable at the time.

Make sure to follow our Go-Ride Facebook page for more details: https://www.facebook.com/wigmoreccgoride/

We then restart our adult Club Rides on Sunday 4th April.

We meet at the Rainham Library car park for a 9 am set off, and will be using a registration form to coordinate rides within the guidance applicable each week.

Make sure to join our Wigmore CC Facebook Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/www.wigmoer/?ref=share

We’re looking to restart with two rides each week; one for developing riders and one for more experienced riders looking for a longer ride.

All our Club activities are inclusive, we just need you and you need a suitable bicycle for the ride you’ll be joining.

Make sure to look out for updates on our Facebook pages.

Club Chair

2021 WCC Membership Special Offer

2021 Wigmore CC Membership

~ Special Offer ~

The past year has been a topsy-turvy one for a number of reasons, and it’s restricted a lot of the things we’ve been able to do as a club.  As a result, we’ve had to change our plans for the events of what we usually provide to our members.  We’ve had to change the annual 25mile TT to a virtual Zwift Race, we had to restrict access to spectators at the Hill climb, we could run only a limited 10mile TT series during the summer, the Go-Ride had to pause for several months, and even the awards dinner evening had to move online.

Therefore, we felt it would be a nice idea to offer our members a special offer for next year.  Starting now, and until the end February, all membership subscriptions will be  15% discounted.

Full Senior Membership: £22
Full Youth Membership: £8.50
Family Membership: £33
Club Supporter: £5
2nd Claim: Senior: £11
Youth: £4.50

All memberships run for the calendar year, and expire 31st December 2021. This special offer runs until February 28th, and is open to EVERYONE… whether  you’re renewing or taking out a new membership.




Don’t forget, members receive a very special membership pack… including a welcome letter, calendar of things we have planned for the year, a membership card, and a few club trinkets thrown in for good measure (key ring, window sticker, fridge magnet etc….)

So if  you’re struggling for a last minute Christmas present, I couldn’t think of anything better for you or the cyclist in your life!

Stay safe, have as good a Christmas as you can under the conditions!

–  Wigmore Cycling Club

2020 Weekly Time Trial – Restart Schedule

We’re back at it~!

Our TT season has been shortened due to Covid-19… but we’re back holding a short series of TT races before the end of the summer. Our events are sanctioned by CTT, and we’re ensuring all appropriate social distancing measure are in place.

The remaining dates and venues for this years Time Trials are:

DateFirst rider/
start time
15th July7.30pmIwadeQ10/2010
22nd July7.30pmIwadeQ10/2010
29th July7.15pmIwadeQ10/2010
5th Aug7pmIwade (with Medway Velo)Q10/2010
12th Aug7pmIwadeQ10/2010
19th Aug6.45pmIwadeQ10/2010

With Covid-19 clearly an important issue for all and a safe event being paramount, we’d like everyone to take note of the following learning.
  • Sorry, we can’t keep bags for riders at the start line.
  • Finishing riders need to be careful of how they pull up and where they stop. A few riders inadvertently cut across riders who were still going at the end of Sheppey Way.
  • Finishing riders also need to be conscious of following riders when turning right off Old Ferry Road toward Ridham Dock/the sign on area.
  • Riders are not allowed to cross the white line when turning left from Sheppey Way onto Old Ferry Road (i.e. don’t creep out into the central right turn area).
  • Lights! Just the one person without a rear light last week. Please do remember yours so you can ride.
  • Please be conscious of your spacing and position on Sheppey Way when queuing to start. A full field is great, but that does bring with it a longer start queue.
  • We have a suggestion to record who may wish to withdraw if we get over 30 entrants. Very happy to provide this, but won’t want to embarrass or coerce anyone into withdrawing.
  • Please help maintain a clear area around the sign on desk when you’ve completed signing on.
  • Finally(!) Please be conscious of positioning and those around you when approaching the Old Ferry Road (we probably call it Raspberry Hill)/Sheppey Way left turn at the bottom of the course. This will help riders overtake rather than surprise you and undertake you.

2020 Ride London 100 – WCC Team Entry

  There’s an awful lot going on in the world right now, but we’re pleased to announce that the club has secured a team entry for the 2020 Prudential Ride London 100… which is to be held on Sunday 16th August.

  This is of course… should it happen.  You never know what the world will be like come August!  But that’s no reason not to make a few plans for the summer.

  Entry is open to all club members over the age of 16 on 16/08/2020.  Riders must also be a British Cycling members.  The cost is £79, which will be payable before Fri 26th June.

  If you are interested in joining the team, please register your interest by emailing me at secretary@wigmorecyclingclub.org.uk BEFORE Thursday 30th April.  Messages on social media or strava will not be recorded.

I’ll let folk know who’s on the team Sunday 3rd May.

Happy riding, stay safe.

-Phil (General Secretary)


WCC Time Trial Series 2020

This seasons evening time trial series to be held over 17 consecutive Wednesday evenings starting at Iwade on the 22nd April running through to the 12th August.

There will be seven events held at Iwade, three of these events being inter-club competitions with Medway Velo club.

There will be six events at Charing on the Q10/44 course ( A2O Charing to Ashford and return). These events will be held alongside the San Fairy Ann CC. One of these events on the 24 June will be over the longer distance of 15 miles.

There is just one event at the Isle of Grain this season, to be held as an inter-club event with the Medway Velo club on the 3rd of June.

Wigmore will be promoting a new event on the recently sanctioned Q10/45 course. This course is basically two laps of the Old Sheppey Way. I believe, having ridden this course a few times to prove its safety and practicality, that it will be quicker, and in my opinion, more exciting than the Iwade course we presently have in use.

We will be holding this brand new event over 3 consecutive Wednesday’s in July (8th, 15th and 22nd) with a 7.30 pm start.

So, lots to look forward to this year, and instead of watching the TV on a Wednesday night, why wouldn’t you want to feel the burn in your legs and lungs for 20 minutes or so, and enjoy a well-earned pint afterwards.

Please come along and have a dig!

WCC Time Trial Series 2020 dates:
Date Location Course Start Time
22 April Iwade Q10/20 6:45pm
29 April Iwade Q10/20 7pm
6th May Iwade Q10/20 7pm
13th May Charing Q10/44 7pm
20th May Charing Q10/44 7pm
27th May Charing Q10/44 7:30pm
3rd June Iwade Q10/20 7pm
10th June Charing Q10/44 7:30pm
17th June Grain Q10/24 7pm
24th June Charing

Q15/7 (15 miles)

1st July Iwade Q10/20 7pm
8th July Old Sheppey Way (Iwade) Q10/45 7:30pm
15th July Old Sheppey Way (Iwade) Q10/45 7:30pm
22nd July Old Sheppey Way (Iwade) Q10/45 7:30pm
29th July Charing Q10/44 7:30pm
5th Aug Iwade Q10/20 7pm
12th Aug Iwade Q10/20 7pm

by Anthony Bee