Hill Climbing Competition

What’s it all about?

Developed by member David Smith with support of Keith Walker and Jamie Harris, this is a list of 15 hills within a 15km radius of our Sunday Club Ride start point at Rainham Library.

The competition runs each year between 1st January and the day of our annual Hollingboure Hill Climb competition, generally held at the end of September each year.

In order to compete in this competition, you’ll need to:

      • Be a first claim member of Wigmore CC
      • Use Strava to record your efforts publicly and join the competition specific Strava club here.

This will allow David and Keith to gather the data through the year.

Many of the hills are ridden routinely, meaning entrants will accrue multiple attempts just by passing through!

How is the competition scored?

Points are awarded on all climbs on the list, one rider on one hill gets 1 point, if 15 ride on a hill the fastest get 15 points and the slowest gets the one point – in the event of a tie for last place both riders will get 2 points.

The winner will receive a returnable, engraved trophy which will be presented at our annual Presentation Evening.

So, over to you and good luck!!