2020 Weekly Time Trial – Restart Schedule

We’re back at it~!

Our TT season has been shortened due to Covid-19… but we’re back holding a short series of TT races before the end of the summer. Our events are sanctioned by CTT, and we’re ensuring all appropriate social distancing measure are in place.

The remaining dates and venues for this years Time Trials are:

DateFirst rider/
start time
15th July7.30pmIwadeQ10/2010
22nd July7.30pmIwadeQ10/2010
29th July7.15pmIwadeQ10/2010
5th Aug7pmIwade (with Medway Velo)Q10/2010
12th Aug7pmIwadeQ10/2010
19th Aug6.45pmIwadeQ10/2010

With Covid-19 clearly an important issue for all and a safe event being paramount, we’d like everyone to take note of the following learning.
  • Sorry, we can’t keep bags for riders at the start line.
  • Finishing riders need to be careful of how they pull up and where they stop. A few riders inadvertently cut across riders who were still going at the end of Sheppey Way.
  • Finishing riders also need to be conscious of following riders when turning right off Old Ferry Road toward Ridham Dock/the sign on area.
  • Riders are not allowed to cross the white line when turning left from Sheppey Way onto Old Ferry Road (i.e. don’t creep out into the central right turn area).
  • Lights! Just the one person without a rear light last week. Please do remember yours so you can ride.
  • Please be conscious of your spacing and position on Sheppey Way when queuing to start. A full field is great, but that does bring with it a longer start queue.
  • We have a suggestion to record who may wish to withdraw if we get over 30 entrants. Very happy to provide this, but won’t want to embarrass or coerce anyone into withdrawing.
  • Please help maintain a clear area around the sign on desk when you’ve completed signing on.
  • Finally(!) Please be conscious of positioning and those around you when approaching the Old Ferry Road (we probably call it Raspberry Hill)/Sheppey Way left turn at the bottom of the course. This will help riders overtake rather than surprise you and undertake you.

Hollingbourne Hill Climb – Sun 29th Sept

On Sunday 29th September the WigmoreCC will once again be hosting our annual hill climb at Hollingbourne Hill. Our event is one of the most eagerly anticipated events on the Kent cycling calendar with good attendance from riders across the district who come to both race and spectate. If you would like to contribute to the ongoing success of our event, there are several ways you can do so:


  • Ride it – If you fancy joining other Wigmore riders that have already entered, there is still time as the entry will remain open until Friday 20th September. the easiest way is online at cyclingtimetrials.org.uk or alternatively you can contact the organising team at wigmoreccopenevents@gmail.com who can steer you in the right direction for entry. First man off is 10:30am so it’s not like it’s ridiculously early either!


  • Marshal it – the event doesn’t run itself and is a product of the effort that people put in to it. If you don’t fancy riding it then your help will be invaluable in marshalling. We rotate marshals between the carpark ensuring rider’s and spectator’s safety, and the hill ensuring that marshals also get to see some of the racing. We also need help setting up the gazebos and other supporting paraphernalia so we normally ask for help to start arriving from 8:30-9am. If this sounds like it may be of interest please contact Anthony Bee at anthonybee@btinternet.com


  • Support it – we are indebted to the Boyd family who let us use their farm at the top of Hollingbourne Hill each year which includes use of their water and electricity and generally while causing chaos – all for free. We normally donate a couple of bottles of wine to the family as a small token of our appreciation. If neither of the above options sounds appealing but you’re planning for dry October and want to donate a bottle of wine you will certainly be helping us out. Please contact the event team at wigmoreccopenevents@gmail.com if you are able to help.
Thanks in advance, and we look forward to seeing you there!

Help For Heroes 2019

  Saturday 29th June entry is only £20.00 for 75km/47mile charity ride.

  Some of you may know Steve Craddock the organiser of the Cycle 4 Heroes. Steve is one of the guys who helps our own Ben Foames out in Belgium and spends all his spare time supporting Help for Heroes.

  We would like the club to get behind this event, as we know it’s on our local roads and yes we could ride on them any day of the week, but we think this is a fantastic opportunity to showcase the club.

  So the challenge to our club is to see more Wigmore jersey’s than Help for Heroes jersey’s on the ride.


Introduction To Time Trials…

… by Anthony Bee (April 2019)

Come and join in Wigmore CC 2019 time trial events this season, there are so many opportunities to race during the week as the light evenings are now with us.

          The Wigmore TT series comprises of 17, 10-mile events being held every Wednesday evening from the 24th April through to the 14th August, these events start approximately at 7pm. They will be mainly held at the Iwade circuit course (5, two-mile circuits), in addition, a few events will be held at Harrietsham and also the Isle of Grain.

          In addition, for the more serious competitor, there are 30 open events, being promoted by various clubs throughout Kent (Wigmore hosting two of these events this season). These events will be held on Saturdays and Sundays all the way until mid-October.

          For those not familiar with Time Trialing, it is a very simple facet of cycle sport, in that you compete over a set distance (normally 10 or 25 miles, although a few longer events are on the calendar for the endurance specialist). Setting off at one-minute intervals, against the clock, then it’s just down to you to complete the set distance as fast as you can manage, with all the times of the competitors recorded and listed, with the fastest competitor’s time being declared the winner.

          In open events, for every year over 40 years of age you will be awarded a time bonus, set by the Veterans Time Trial Association, so regardless of how old you are, you can still be competitive with the younger riders when your time bonuses are added to your actual time.

          Although time trialling can be considered a solitary sport, it is still in my opinion very sociable, as for example after the evening 10s at Iwade, most riders that have competed that evening will meet up in the Woolpack public house for a well-earnt pint, and if your hungry a curry as well !!. This will then be your opportunity to discuss your ride in detail with your fellow competitors, ie, if it was not so windy on that back straight I would have been a minute quicker this evening, or when I bolt on my new race wheels next week I will definitely beat you !!

Any more information please call
Antony on 07775 922 056

2019 Weekly Time Trial schedule

DateFirst rider/start timeLocationCourseDistance
24/04/20196.45 pmIwadeQ10/2010
19/06/20197pmGrain (interclub vs Medway Velo)Q10/2410
*Any issues with the A20 (e.g., road works, Operation Stack, excessive traffic, etc), the event will be held at Grain on the Q10/24 course with Gravesend on the proceeding Tuesday, starting at 19.15.
17 Events in total.
Best of 8 for Vets and handicap competition.
Best of 8 for Scratch competition.
Best of 10 for overall evening league.

Below are the meeting points for our Club Time Trials.

Iwade, England, United Kingdom

Iwade, Sittingbourne [Weekly 10mile TTs]

Harrietsham, England, United Kingdom

Harrietsham, Maidstone [Weekly 10mile TTs]

Grain, England, United Kingdom

Grain, Isle of Grain [Weekly 10mile TTs]

Challock, England, United Kingdom

Challock, Ashford [Open 25mile TT Event]