2023 schedule

2023 Time Trial schedule

Our successful Evening 10 TT series and Open Events are back with full schedule planned for 2023.

Our 20-event Evening 10 series will be run across the familiar Q10/20 and Q10/45 courses at Iwade, starting Wednesday 12th April.

The events start progressively later as evening daylight increases until 13th July (7.45pm start), and then start earlier from the 19th July event (7.15pm start).

Sign-on will be at Ridham Dock as usual (Ridham Dock Road, Iwade, Sittingbourne ME9 8SR), with sign on closing 15 minutes before first off.

Please these conditions which may affect your ability to ride:

      • FRONT and REAR lights are MANDATORY
      • Helmets must be worn
      • Under 18’s cannot ride on the Q10/45 (Iwade to Cowstead roundabout) course
      • Sign on closes 15 minutes before first off

Entry remains £5 and entry is open to guests who are members of Cycling Time Trials (CTT) affiliated clubs.

Riders of all ability and gender are very welcome and can become temporary members of Wigmore CC for an additional £2 if not already a member of another CTT affiliated club.

Entrance to Open Events, the Bill Philbrook Memorial 25 and the Hollingbourne Hill Climb is through the CTT website.

DateEventStart timeLocationCourse codeDistanceNote
12/04/2023Evening 1018:45IwadeQ10/2010 milesMaximum 20 riders
19/04/2023Evening 1018:45IwadeQ10/2010 milesMaximum 20 riders
26/04/2023Evening 1019:00IwadeQ10/2010 miles
30/04/2023Bill Pilbrook Memorial 2506:30ChallockQ25/825 Miles
03/05/2023Evening 1019:00IwadeQ10/2010 miles
10/05/2023Evening 1019:00IwadeQ10/2010 miles
17/05/2023Evening 1019:15IwadeQ10/2010 miles
24/05/2023Evening 1019:15IwadeQ10/2010 miles
31/05/2023Evening 1019:15IwadeQ10/2010 miles
07/06/2023Evening 1019:30IwadeQ10/2010 miles
14/06/2023Evening 1019:45Iwade/SheppeyQ10/4510 milesOnly open to riders 18 years and over
21/06/2023Evening 1019:45Iwade/SheppeyQ10/4510 milesOnly open to riders 18 years and over
28/06/2023Evening 1019:45Iwade/SheppeyQ10/4510 milesOnly open to riders 18 years and over
05/07/2023Evening 1019:45Iwade/SheppeyQ10/4510 milesOnly open to riders 18 years and over
12/07/2023Evening 1019:45Iwade/SheppeyQ10/4510 milesOnly open to riders 18 years and over
19/07/2023Evening 1019:45Iwade/SheppeyQ10/4510 milesOnly open to riders 18 years and over
26/07/2023Evening 1019:15IwadeQ10/2010 miles
02/08/2023Evening 1019:00IwadeQ10/2010 miles
09/08/2023Evening 1019:00IwadeQ10/2010 miles
16/08/2023Evening 1018:45IwadeQ10/2010 milesMax 25 riders
23/08/2023Evening 1018:45IwadeQ10/2010 milesMax 20 riders
24/09/2023Hill Climb10:00HollingbourneQHC/11N/A

Juvenile riders (under 18s) are not currently sanctioned to ride the Q10/45 Iwade>Sheppey course and will only be allowed to compete on the Q10/20 Iwade circuit for the weekly Evening 10 Time Trials.

There are Male, Female, TT and road bike classifications.

Entrance fee is £5.00. “Come and try it” (CATI) + £2 entry for those not members of an affiliated Club.

Events on the Q10/45 Iwade-Sheppey course have the option of being run on Q10/25 if the bridge is up, or for any other reason that the route is not available.   Juveniles are not able to race this course as there are busy roundabouts at both ends.

You must be at least 12 years old to ride these events.

All riders that are 18 years of age or less must have a parental consent form signed and wear a safety helmet.

2nd claim members are not eligible for awards.

CTT rule

All riders must have a working front white life and a red rear light, flashing or steady. NO FRONT OR REAR LIGHT or NO HELMET, NO RIDE.

 Kevin Ford